The Transition2Work program provides benefits to employers, insurance carriers, employees, and communities across the nation!

Program Benefits to Employers

The Transition2Work program is a win-win situation for everyone. The employer benefits greatly, as the employer:

  • Retains a valuable employee who is experienced and trained for the work
  • Provide modified duty when unable to accommodate the workers' physical restrictions on-site
  • Accommodate modified duty nationwide
  • Provides consistency in return-to-work programs for occupational and non-occupational disabilities
  • Complies with state and federal employment regulations
  • Improves workplace morale and helps employees avoid disability syndrome
  • Reduces potential for workers’ compensation and employment litigation
  • Reduces workers’ compensation and non-occupational disability claims cost, which could impact future premium rates
  • Potentially reduces medical costs, encourages faster recuperation, and faster return to work for the employee

The Transition2Work program is based on a flat rate per placement. We don’t charge by the hour or tack on mileage or other unnecessary charges like others do. Our flat fee policy helps employers manage their return-to-work program, and easily measure return on investment. As an impartial third party in the RTW process, ReEmployAbility has no financial incentive to keep injured workers in the program.


Program Benefits to Injured Workers

When an injured worker participates as a volunteer at a nonprofit, he not only benefits personally, as research has shown, but also helps the community. This aspect of the transitional assignment instills great pride and boosts self-worth. For many injured workers, exposure to volunteerism and service work is a new experience. Testimonials from program participants indicate that even after the assignment is complete, the injured worker often maintains a relationship with the nonprofit. The nonprofit assignment enables the injured worker to:

  • Engage in meaningful and productive work activity as soon as they are released to modified or light duty
  • Keep a flexible work schedule to accommodate physician or physical therapy appointments
  • Focus on abilities as opposed to limitations
  • Develop a physical tolerance for work, including strength and endurance
  • Learn new, transferable skills
  • Retain their employee status with the company and continue earning a paycheck and benefits
  • Stay productive and avoid disability syndrome
  • Help others
  • Recover faster!

Contact Us

Contact a ReEmployAbility representative today to learn more about how our Return-to-Work solutions can help your employees, company, and the community!

Call toll-free: 866-663-9880


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