Nathan Hughes, Safelite AutoGlass
Joseph McNulty, AmeriCare Ambulance, Inc.
Our experience has been great! The ReEmployability folks we have worked with have been very thorough and timely communicators, always providing us with any information we need and status updates. Coastal Beverage [Employer] Your program is definitely at the top of my list when it comes to assisting employees for a quicker rehabilitation process!
Altom Transport, Inc.
The opportunity to be able to continue getting a paycheck and keep my health insurance going through this tough time was a great help. I'm glad a program like this available.
Curtis H. (Transition2Work participant)
I've been very pleased with everyone at REA that I've worked with. Everyone has been very helpful, professional and attentive. Great customer service.
Foodliner, Inc.
The [employee] was very happy with his experience with the organization he worked for and had a good time while working there as well. This program allowed us to keep our employee engaged and busy while dealing with his injury, instead of sitting at home. I feel that this contributed in helping the [employee] return to work more quickly. I definitely plan on utilizing your program again with future claims.
Justin Manley, Coinstar, Inc.
This program can really make a difference in individuals' lives! Thank you again for this placement! It gave me the chance to make new friends, and helped me to recuperate faster!
Janice M. (Transition2Work participant)
This is a win win program. [The injured worker] is a natural with people so we greatly benefit from his respect of elderly, his sincerity, his humor and his work ethic. Thank you for sending him our way!
Mary Geil, Volunteer Supervisor - WesleyLife
[The volunteer] has been exceptional. Having her at the front desk has been invaluable. The Mid-South Chapter has recently assisted a record number of families that have experienced fires and now are facing potential need for sheltering and family assistance due to severe weather, including flooding. [The volunteer] has helped to call out and schedule volunteers for 24 hour shelter shifts and has answered calls from those in need of assistance. She has become a valued asset to our team. [The volunteer] is compassionate to the families that have lost everything and efficiently see that they are served promptly. She is absolutely reliable, and she is always careful not to aggravate her injury. We are exceedingly grateful that ReEmployAbility has been willing to share [the volunteer] with us and so appreciate the professional service. I can’t think of a more productive or meaningful way to fill one’s time away from the job. We appreciate what you do.
Jeana Bailley, Director Volunteer Services at the Mid-South Chapter of American Red Cross

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Contact a ReEmployAbility representative today to learn more about how our Return-to-Work solutions can help your employees, company, and the community!

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